One can attain the same with the use of two inbuild stored procedure master.sys.xp_dirtree and master.sys.xp_create_subdir
USE Master;
-- 1 - Variable declaration
DECLARE @DBName sysname
DECLARE @DataPath nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @LogPath nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @DirTree TABLE (subdirectory nvarchar(255), depth INT)
-- 2 - Initialize variables
SET @DBName = 'Foo'
SET @DataPath = 'C:\zTest1\' + @DBName
SET @LogPath = 'C:\zTest2\' + @DBName
-- 3 - @DataPath values
INSERT INTO @DirTree(subdirectory, depth)
EXEC master.sys.xp_dirtree @DataPath
-- 4 - Create the @DataPath directory
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @DirTree WHERE subdirectory = @DBName)
EXEC master.dbo.xp_create_subdir @DataPath
-- 5 - Remove all records from @DirTree
-- 6 - @LogPath values
INSERT INTO @DirTree(subdirectory, depth)
EXEC master.sys.xp_dirtree @LogPath
-- 7 - Create the @LogPath directory
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @DirTree WHERE subdirectory = @DBName)
EXEC master.dbo.xp_create_subdir @LogPath
Brief Code Overview
The core functionality in this script is based on two extended system stored procedures: master.sys.xp_dirtree and master.sys.xp_create_subdir. Let's take a look at each, individually:
- master.sys.xp_dirtree - This extended stored procedure returns all the folders within the folder that is passed into it as a parameter. It also returns the nested level of each folder found. By inserting the values returned from xp_dirtree into the temp table you can then query against it to test the existence of the folder you are attempting to create.
- master.sys.xp_create_subdir - Use this stored procedure to create a folder on either a local server or network share.
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